Grocery Stores: The Perfect Place for Pet Food Sales

<div class="mg-image–circular" style="float:right;margin:10px;"><img sf-size="100" src="" alt="Doggie Treats" /></div><p>By: Tom Duffy, Senior Advisor, Nonfoods Community Development, FMI </p><p>When it comes to purchasing pet food, where do most people go? The local grocery store. It’s a convenient one-stop shop for all our household needs, including the essential sustenance for our beloved pets. The latest <a href="">Category Insights</a> report from FMI highlights how grocery stores are uniquely positioned to capture sales in the continually growing pet food category.</p><h5>Convenience and Accessibility</h5><p>Grocery stores are ideal for pet food sales due to the sheer convenience they offer. Pet owners often juggle busy schedules and the ability to pick up their pet’s food along with the week’s groceries is a huge time-saver. FMI’s Category Insights emphasizes how this convenience factor drives a significant portion of pet food sales in grocery stores.</p><h5>Cross-Merchandising Opportunities</h5><p>The report highlights the opportunity for cross-merchandising. Grocery stores can strategically place pet food alongside related products, such as pet toys, treats and accessories. This strategy makes it convenient for shoppers to pick up a bag of dog food and grab a new chew toy or a bag of treats displayed nearby.</p><blockquote>Grocery stores &ndash; especially those that are beginning to embrace the ability to be omnichannel &ndash; are ideally positioned to capture sales in the pet food category as they meet their shippers where they are. We are pleased to see healthy trading partner relationships in all areas and store sizes that point to continued success in this approach.
<footer>Joe Toscano, Vice President/Director Trade &amp; Industry Development, Nestle Purina Sales North America</footer></blockquote><h5>Expanding Assortments</h5><p>Grocery stores are increasingly expanding assortments of pet food to cater to the diverse needs of pet owners. As outlined in the report, the trend is towards more specialized diets backed by science and life stage-specific formulas. By offering a wide range of options, grocery stores can attract a broader customer base, from those seeking basic, economical options to those looking for super premium, specialized products.</p><h5>Evolving Consumer Preferences</h5><p>Category Insights delves into evolving consumer preferences, showing that pet owners are looking for high-quality ingredients, nutritional benefits and trusted brands. Grocery stores, with their ability to carry well-known brands like Purina, are perfectly positioned to meet these demands.</p><a href="" class="-align-right" style="float:right;margin-left:15px;"><img sf-custom-thumbnail="true" src="" style="float:right;box-shadow:2px 2px 6px #989898;" sf-size="100" width="275" alt="Nonfoods Category Insights: Pet " sf-constrain-proportions="true" /></a>
<h5>The Rise of E-Commerce Integration</h5><p>Brick-and-mortar stores are crucial, but the FMI report also highlights the integration of e-commerce in pet food retail. Grocery stores now provide online ordering and delivery, combining traditional shopping with modern convenience for pet owners to access preferred brands easily.<br /></p><p>Grocery stores offer convenience and cross-merchandising, meeting evolving pet owner preferences. As pet health remains a priority, grocery stores adapt to ensure seamless and enjoyable pet food shopping experiences.</p><p><a href="" class="button-secondary">Download FMI Nonfoods Category Insights</a></p>


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